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8 study tips for the GMAT

Studying for the GMAT can be a stressful and daunting experience. With these eight tips, you will arrive on test day confident and prepared.

  • Familiarize yourself with the format of the exam. There are many practice tests available online. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the types of questions that will be asked.
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses. If math is your forte, it may be helpful for you to emphasize your studies on the reasoning section (and vice versa). The only way to identify your strengths and weakness is for you to take practice tests.
  • Don’t stress if you don’t get the score you want the first time. Don’t be afraid to take the test again. Many applicants retake the GMAT and, with dedicated studying, are able to improve their score the second time around.
  • Familiarize yourself with the testing environment. The GMAT is taken completely on a computer. Security cameras record activity. Timers are posted for each section. This can create a stressful environment. Prepare for this scenario by stimulating a testing environment.
  • Set a target score. Depending on what score you are targeting, their may be different strategies for answering questions (and spending time on certain questions). Make sure you know what your end goal is.
  • Make a schedule. Identify a study plan and follow it as closely as you can. Time should be spent reviewing practice questions and familiarizing yourself with the test format.
  • Learn the shortcuts. It will be beneficial to learn all question formats and develop specific strategies for each question type. This will help you optimize your time while taking the test.
  • Study with others. Partnering up with a friend or group can help make the study process easier. It also can be beneficial to exchange tips with others about techniques for solving various questions.

Finally, have confidence and know that your GMAT score is not the only factor in the admissions process. Good luck!

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