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Successful Pre-Med Case Studies

April 17, 2024 | EST

About this webinar

Delve into the experiences of successful pre-med applicants. Analyze case studies to discern standout factors leading to acceptance or rejection. Gain valuable insights on standing out and crafting a unique pre-med profile.

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Presented by


Obi holds both a BA and MPA from Clark University and an MA from Columbia University Teachers College, focusing on educational development. Obi worked as an admissions reader at Johns Hopkins University and admissions consultant for EducationUSA.

Sarah Pinson

Sarah received a BA from Davidson College and M.Div. from Vanderbilt University. She has admissions experience at Emory University, Vanderbilt University and College of Charleston. Sarah manages AcceptU’s partnerships with college access organizations and a caseload of clients. Sarah is an IECA Associate Member.

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