
Former admissions officers bring invaluable insights and experience to the college consulting process. This post delves into why their expertise is crucial and how AcceptU’s team of former admissions officers makes a difference for students.

The Advantage of Insider Knowledge

  • Understanding Admissions Criteria: Former admissions officers know what top colleges look for in applicants, providing a strategic advantage.
  • Navigating the Application Process: They can guide students through the intricacies of the application process, from essay writing to interviews.
  • Insight into Decision-Making: Their experience in admissions committees allows them to provide unique insights into how applications are evaluated.

How AcceptU Utilizes Former Admissions Officers

  • Expert Team: AcceptU’s team consists exclusively of former admissions officers from elite colleges, offering unmatched expertise.
  • Strategic Application Guidance: Their insider knowledge helps craft applications that stand out, highlighting the most important elements that admissions committees seek.
  • Tailored Feedback: Former admissions officers provide personalized feedback on essays, resumes, and interview preparation, ensuring students present their best selves.


  • Satya R: “AcceptU has been of great help through the college application journey. Special thanks to our counselor whose help and guidance have been invaluable! Thank you!”
  • Jen D: “AcceptU had a wonderful approach with my daughter, and they have an extensive knowledge of colleges. Ultimately, my daughter was accepted into her dream school, and we are very grateful for all the guidance that AcceptU provided.”

The expertise of former admissions officers is a significant asset in the college admissions process. AcceptU’s team leverages their insider knowledge to provide strategic, personalized guidance that helps students achieve their college goals. With their unique insights and dedicated support, AcceptU exemplifies the best in college admissions consulting.

About the author
Marc Zawel

As author of Untangling the Ivy League, Marc literally wrote the book on gaining admission to highly selective colleges. He earned a BA from Cornell University – where he met AcceptU’s co-founder – and an MBA from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At UNC, Marc chaired the admissions advisory board; he has also conducted alumni interviews for Cornell for more than fifteen years.

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